
Destination Deale

Once the storm finally blew itself out, it was an easy 45 mile trip up from the Solomons. We arrived at Herrington Harbor Marina in Deale, Md on a cold, rainy Thursday afternoon. It was surprisingly similar to the day we left 5 months before. I took to my bunk for an hour or so to collect my thoughts. Just a small panic attack.

In the evening my folks came to pick us up to drive us to Bob and Ann's, where we stopped long enough to borrow their brand new car, before heading off to Kevin and Lisa's to borrow a bed for the night. Great and wonderful friends and family.

Now it is time to reestablish our shore life. Early Friday morning we met with Sue Fitzhugh to start looking for a house to rent. We found one we liked and are waiting for all the usual background checks before we can sign a lease. To pass the time there is the boat maintenance we have been putting off for the last few months to keep us busy. Luckily since we are no longer traveling, the weather has turned warm and sunny. Nothing I love better than sanding and varnishing.

Since we didn't find Elvis on the waterways from Maryland to South Carolina and back, we will continue with a thorough search of the greater Washington DC area to see if he shows up. We will keep you updated on our transition to land life.


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