The start of a quiet night in Reedville
Spent one more day in port waiting for the winds to die down. Team Helios is sharing a cold, so the extra day of rest was very welcome. Plus it is never a good idea to travel on Friday the 13th.
We woke up this morning to the calm before the next storm. Headed out of port at 7:30 bound for the Solomon Islands in Md. The bay was eerily quiet. It looked like a lake as we headed north. We passed a few tugs pulling barges, but there was little other traffic. We always monitor channel 16 on the VHF and the Coast Guard would come on every 30 minutes with a weather notice, warning of the coming Nor'easter. We pulled into the Holiday Harbor Marina on Back Creek at 1:30 pm in a light rain and began to tie ourselves down.
Life in the Solomons looks pretty good. There is a Holiday Inn at the end of the pier with a nice health club. Around the corner is a Gourmet Market with all kinds of fresh produce, plenty of sushi, and a rather large selection of gluten-free products to make my life a whole lot nicer. A West Marine is about a block away and thanks to Jethro's Bar-B-Que we can be knee deep in pulled pork at the drop of a hat. We are not worried there is a "Perfect Storm" bearing down on us. Things could be worse, there could be powerpoint slides due in the morning. Yikes.
So keep your eyes glued to the weather channel and stay tuned for on scene accounts from the storm front. We will only worry if Jim Cantore is at the end of our pier.
Stay warm and safe and dry,
P & J
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