Ahh, we made it to Florida. James' home state. Sun, warm breezes and so many palm trees. Fort Lauderdale is a departure from our usual Florida vacation. There are no large mice wearing clothes, no pirates of the Caribbean, not even a princess in sight.
We had a very restful day yesterday with a light dinner at a local waterfront place around the corner, a walk along the beach, and a good night's rest. Our hotel could very well be the one where your parents stayed if they traveled here in the 1950's. White stucco walls, courtyard pool, tile floors and an air conditioner that would make ice cubes if you didn't turn it down.
Anyone for a Slow Gin Fizz by the pool?
Today we observed that we have no projects due, no deadlines, nothing pressing to be taken care of immediately. And for the first time since 2005 we don't have to run out and rent a place to live. The house back home is just waiting for us. Combined with a realization that our next appointment is a month from now when we will meet Sandy and Dan in Amsterdam, you begin to realize how small you are in a great big world. That was the discussion at lunch. Can't wait for dinner, maybe quantum physics.
Even the chairs seem bigger when you feel this small. |
Tomorrow, we leave the beach for the open sea on a beautiful vessel called Constellation.
Nope |
That's the one. |
Currently our position is 26.11 N by 80.15 W. The temperature is 86 degrees under sunny skies.
We will try to get off another post before we get underway, but sailors make no promises. So until next time brothers and sisters, we leave you with the immortal words of the king himself, "You are always on my mind".