So meanwhile back at the ranch, we have turned into every working persons dream; Slackers that sleep until 10; then play on the computer until lunch. After that, there is usually a trip to the store to buy food, maybe some reading, or a "Gilmore Girls" episode. James putters around the kitchen making snack plates with drinks, we grill out dinner, maybe a nap before the Daily Show and Colbert Report...all in 70 degree weather. You get the picture. And we have a slow hairy truck driver to thank for this. Maybe James should sleep with him?
I have been listening to a lot of music and have once again discovered my love of Nine Inch Nails. What a coincidence, I have extra time on my hands and there is a great viral campaign for the new NIN "Year Zero" concept album. In case you haven't been following along, it involves the end of the world; websites with detailed characters, organizations and events leading up to 2022 and leaked tracks of the disc. More fun than Lost. I also bought the "Beside You In Time" concert DVD the other day and we played it on the big screen with the sound blasting. OK, I played it while James had on head phones listening to his IPod full blast. A quick note to the uninformed, Jimmy Buffett does not drown out NIN even with the volume on full blast. Sorry Jimmy. We do tend to have different taste in music with some similarity in the middle.

Happy Pat.
Happy James.
Another interest that has raised its ugly head is the HGTV network. Everyone is rebuilding, remodeling, flipping, selling, and re-doing a house. You know that you watch to much of this stuff when the "True and Amazing" vacation home theme song is stuck in your mind. With all this new knowledge we are sure that we could buy a nice place in the Northern Virginia area and fix it up to make us millions. Its all in the crown molding, I'm telling ya.
Anyway, I am sure these obsessions will fade when we finally load the boat and head out onto the water. At least I hope so.
Say a prayer we get that part delivered , otherwise James might discover the QVC network and I will never be able to pay the Mastercard bill again.
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