Gettings again from Germany. We are all snug in our room at the Edelweiss Lodge in Garmish. It is a US Military vacation center that looks like Disney came in and built a lodge complete with fake streams and waterfalls. The best feature is the spa, that includes an indoor pool and outdoor hot tub. Yesterday when we arrived, snow was gently falling, so our first thought was to get in the hot tub and catch snowflakes on our tongues. Then James went one step further and made a snow angel before diving back into the warm water. It is not often that I get to use the words James and angel in the same sentence. Since arriving we decided that new call signs were needed for a new country, so we are now Uber Patty and Wunder Jimmy. Das ist gut, ja??
Garmish the town has a back drop of huge mountains all around. It is the little German villiage that you always imagine when thinking of the Alps. I caught Pat yodelling on the balcony earlier today. It is that good.
We came by train from Munich. It was a beautiful ride with snow coming down as we traveled up into the mountains. The day before it was 50 degrees as we walked around Munich in a light sweater (is it really February?). The vacation gods have been good to us so far.
Our tour of Munich included all the normal sights and a stunning amount of food. NICE CLOCK!!! They have enough pork products in one place to choke a small...well, you know. Being lovers of said products, we could not wait to make it to the Viktualienmarkt. It was like a Whole Foods on steroids. Every orange, flower, pig knuckle was perfect. It made me want to live in a city again. The little stalls have been there forever and they all have a certain specialty; pork, beer, fish, beer, vegitables, beer, flowers and oh course, beer. For those that haven't been to Munich, they take their beer and food very seriously. I love a town where there is actually a meal between breakfast and lunch. Back to the market...each day around 10am, that is 10 in the morning on the metric system, the stalls open up. The whole area is centered around a large maypole with wooden characters dancing, chopping, drinking, you know the typical behaviors in the city. Throughout the market there are a surprising number of fountains that are supposed to depict folk artists and actors. There are a few others that were not so easy to understand. One had the lady that used to read to the kids. Another was of a cleaning lady. And there was the one with a man standing in a bowler hat with a sun and moon orbiting around him..?
We haven't seen Elvis, but today we did sit across from the Bergermeister Meisterberger. Tomorrow we are off to Schlos Neuschwanstein, otherwise known as Cinderella's Castle. Maybe we will get lucky?
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