
Pat and Jim: Life in the Carolinas

Hey Y'all. It has been a long 10 days since our last post. We have slid into a much easier mode of life here in rural North Carolina. The new year finds us at Sandy and Dan's house with the opportunity to catch up on our daytime television, plan trips, paint, read and of course, play golf.

Here are a few tips we have learned in the last week:
* If Maury, Montel or anyone with a Judge in front of their name sends you an invitation to appear on their show. For the love of all things holy, do not go, it will not be good news.
* Do not start watching the series "Battlestar Galactica" in the afternoon. You will regain consciousness two days later wondering if Gaius Baltar really is a Cylon.
* And don't get me started on the bad effects of 6 back-to-back Iron Chef America shows.

Other important milestones since our last entry:
* The movers came and delivered the household goods shipment. We unpacked a mountain of stuff and started settling into our temporary garage apartment. Send a note if you need any cardboard boxes.
* The Raymarine folks are coming out next week to take away the autopilot course computer for a complete factory evaluation and exorcism. We think that may solve our problems. Light a candle.
* We have planned two trips to keep ourselves busy during this layup. Our land yacht "Old Blue" is gassed up and ready for our first trip down the concrete Intercoastal Highway known as I-95. When things change we find that a little time at the Magic Kingdom will fix just about anything. Yes, Pat and Jim are headed to Disney. Call the media.
* Kevin came to visit from Virginia and we had a nice round of golf. The courses here are in terrific shape and we both shot just a little under par. Then we solved world peace and got Cher to do a final concert tour. Needless to say, if I am going to be ready for the Senior's Tour in 8 years I had better practice. Then we had a great meal and debated the problems of the world in the living room by the fire. Next morning Kevin slipped away under the cover of darkness to return to the land of 2 hour commutes and monuments. Nice to see you Kev.
* That reminds me, Jim did manage to turn 42 years old on New Years Eve and we celebrated by being asleep when the ball dropped. I guess that Paris Hilton club scene is going to have to get along without us. Sorry Paris, kiss kiss...

We hit the road on Saturday and are looking forward to seeing Mickey and the gang again. My mom will be happy to see us and I believe Bob and Ann are going to do another Harpoon Missile vacation strike on Orlando. You two are the king and queen of jet setting.

So you are almost up to date with all our plans and schemes. We will take many pictures and do lots of posts when we get a decent signal. This life in the country can be hell on an Internet connection. We also felt that a change in the blog title would be appropriate. When life gives you lemons, you just have to make Eggs Benedict. See what watching too much Iron Chef will do to you?


P & J

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